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5 Factors To Increase Work From Home Productivity

Much has been said about maintaining a healthy work-life balance while working from home. Less is said about working optimally. Having a productive environment in the office has always been a hot topic during the pre-pandemic days but with the on-going pandemic, the aspect of working from home has taken over the conversation. More people are now are working from their homes than ever before and companies, large and small, are rushing to adapt to this new way of working.

Turning an area at home into an office space is more than just a desk and a chair. To create a productive and conducive environment for optimum work, several factors may have to be considered.

Here are 5 factors to help you work better from home.

1. Privacy
Perhaps the greatest struggle of anyone who works from home is privacy. The line between office expectations vs home expectations can be very thin and blurry. Finding a private space within your home is perhaps the single most important step to a productive work from home experience. Ideally, it can be a room but if a room is not available, consider a space far away from the family’s daily activities.

2. Conducive Environment
A table and a chair just don’t cut it if you’re going to be working 8 hours a day, Monday to Fridays. Consider your desk habits in the office and you created a space for yourself to be able to work efficiently. It can be things as simple as a small pot of cactus, a family picture, a stress ball or a book. These things help to act as a reminder and can sub-consciously affect your mood.

3. Regular Breaks
In the office, you would go on coffee breaks, stand up and stretch, chat with your colleagues, or walk around the office building. At home, though, the possibility of doing those beside getting coffee is almost zero. The longest distance is perhaps going to the kitchen to get a drink or a snack. Regular breaks are important to break the mundane of sitting in front of the computer. Stand up and stretch or do some HIIT exercises (after all, you may be in a suit and tie at home), or even have a 10-minute play with the kids can be refreshing.

4. Time Alone
You’re in a Zoom meeting discussing some important points when your kids burst in playing and laughing, disrupting your rhythm, and potentially causing some embarrassment. It happens to us all. Setting aside time to work and helping children understand the importance of giving you the time can help from distractions and unwanted attention. Consider making a deal with your children to give you a 2-hour window in exchange for a 15-minute play.

5. Ergonomics Matters
Your company provides you with decent equipment to be able to work productively in the office. At home, however, the options are often limited to the dining chair or the couch. Both less than ideal for a prolonged productivity.

Consider these options on our e-commerce shop to enhance your home office environment. Our e-commerce shop’s special pricing is only available to our customers.

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