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UPSTREAM Production Solutions Collaborates With TRINIX To Renew Aging IT Assets

“Trinix has been our single reliable source for all our it requirements, be it equipment or technical support. What sets them apart from others is TRINIX has taken the time to understand our business and is always looking for new ways to assist us on our IT journey. I count on them to deliver the services and support we require and TRINIX have always gone the extra mile to follow through.”

Kurt Zalmstra, IT Manager
Upstream Production Solutions


Upstream Production Solutions (Upstream PS) is a leading provider of fully integrated capabilities for asset optimization and production solutions to the oil, gas, energy and water industries. Upstream PS brings 25 years of expertise in an extensive range of advisory services and delivery of unparalleled production solutions including, operations, maintenance, project management and execution.


UpstreamPS IT team manages a large pool of IT assets spread across multisite throughout Australia. The company’s IT assets are aging and in need of replacement. UpstreamPS is also growing, and new IT assets will need to be procured.

UpstreamPS requires a reliable and experience IT company to help plan, recommend and manage the replacement of the IT Assets in a timely manner.  Their criteria for selection include:

  • Local WA company
  • Ability to supply nationwide
  • Reliable Supplier
  • Effective IT Supply Chain


TRINIX is a trusted WA IT company and has been in the IT supply chain business since 1987. HQ in Bentley, supported by a nationwide network of distribution and warehouses; partners of well-known vendors such as HP, Microsoft and many more; TRINIX meets Upstream PS requirement with ease.


UpstreamPS began collaborating with TRINIX since 2019. The outcome of the collaboration has resulted in UpstreamPS meeting the above requirement in TRINIX as well as seeing the results of the following:

  • Replaced aging IT assets with standardized IT equipment
  • Timely Delivery and Effective communication
  • Consistent supply
  • IT Team saving valuable time from sourcing

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